Monday 2 April 2007

Budapest II

I was very busy dancing and teaching, but here are some things I learned about the city:

* Beautiful, famous bath houses
* Nice people
* Big beautiful impressive buildings
* Many homeless people
* Wide streets
* Currency - 1 Pound=350 Florint
* Many big statues of Hungarian Kings and soldiers - Hungary has known many wars and revolutions and has never won any
* Nice food - Goulash, yummie
* Hungarian language - I tried REALLY hard for 5 days and only learned the words for 'thank you' and 'little kiss'. The language is like no other language. I learned the first word because of it was very useful, the second word because it is an english word as well, but with a different meaning. Ask me in person to tell you what they are because the first one I don't know how to spell and the second one I can't write on my blog, or say out loud, without being very rude, haha.

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